A Profile of a Cloud Company in TURKEY

"ARDIC (Applied Research Development and Innovation Center) is established in 2008 with the mission to help transform Turkey into a global leader in information technology R&D. Led by a management team of Turkish executives and engineers with broad global experience in the world's leading telecom and IT companies, we are focused on innovative solutions and new discoveries in the field of high technology.

 With its strategic location between Asia and Europe and a young, tech-savvy population, Turkey is rapidly becoming a global leader in information technology - from mobile communications to cryptography to operating system design. Therefore, ARDIC see a great opportunity to tap this growing talent pool to  create the next generation of high-tech innovation."

ARCLOUD: ARDIC Cloud Services Platform

Two major trends are shaping how we access the net and what we can do once we’re there: the explosive growth of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) and the near-ubiquity of data connections (via 3G, 4G, Wifi, Wimax). As devices become more powerful and easy to use, more consumers are using them for an increasing share of their online access.

The next wave of growth and innovation in smartphones and tablets has already begun in the form of powerful cloud-based applications. With always-on connectivity mobile devices can now harness the benefits of cloud computing: performance, platform-independence, security and backup and seamless upgrades. With this vision in mind, we developed the ARCLOUD cloud services platform.  >>  READ MORE